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Transparency Council

The President of the Agency is assisted by the Transparency Council which plays a consultative and advisory role. The members of the Transparency Council are appointed by the Minister of Health for a six-year-term of office, and the Council is composed of representatives of:

  • the Minister of Health (4);
  • the President of the National Health Fund (2);
  • the President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (2);
  • the Patient Ombudsman (2)

as well as 10 experts with experience, recognised achievements and at least a doctorate in medicine or related sciences or in other fields relevant to the assessment of healthcare services, including ethics.


President of the Transparency Council

Prof. Tomasz Pasierski, MD, PhD, DSc


Małgorzata Bała


Vice-President of the Transparency Council

Prof. Małgorzata Bała, MD, PhD, DSc


Vice-President of the Transparency Council

Maciej Karaszewski


The members of the Transparency Council:

  • Col. Artur Bachta, MD, PhD
  • Anna Czerniecka- Kubicka, MD, PhD
  • Prof. Andrzej Dąbrowski, MD, PhD, DSc
  • Małgorzata Dziedziak, MSc
  • Katarzyna Galas, MA
  • Paweł Grzesiewski, MA
  • Prof. Roman Junik, MD, PhD, DSc
  • Marcin Kołakowski, MA
  • Elżbieta Lanc, MA
  • Marcin Lipowski, MD
  • Tomasz Młynarski, MA
  • Prof. Ewa Obuchowicz, MD, PhD, DSc
  • Jacek Rubik, MD, PhD
  • Prof. Zbigniew Siudak, MD, PhD, DSc
  • Anna Socha- Banasiak, MD, PhD
  • Prof. Małgorzata Sznitowska, PhD, DSc
  • Aleksandra Zasada, PhD, DSc


Before each meeting, a Team of ten members is selected from among the members of the Transparency Council by drawing lots, so that each entity (President of the National Health Fund, President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, Patient Ombudsman) is represented in the Team.

Participation in Transparency Council meetings

The meetings of the Transparency Council may be attended by experts in the field of medicine which is the subject of the motions or information discussed during that meeting and by other persons invited by the President of the Transparency Council, without the right to vote. More information is available on the website

Tasks of the Transparency Council

  1. Preparation and presentation of positions on the matter of:
  • qualification of a given health care service as a guaranteed service together with the determination of the level or method of its financing (or a decision against qualifying such a service);
  • reimbursement and the setting of an ex-factory price for a medicine, foodstuff for particular nutritional uses or medical device;
  • removal of a particular healthcare service from the health benefits package;
  • validity of granting authorisation for the reimbursement of medicines under the targeted import procedure;
  • changes in the level or method of financing health care services;
  • changes in health technologies.
  1. Issuing opinions:
  • on projects of health policy programmes submitted by the ministers or local self-government units;
  • on recommended health technologies, actions carried out in the framework of health policy programmes and the conditions for implementing those programmes concerning a particular disease or a particular health problem;
  • on qualification for a joint limit group or the creation of a separate limit group;
  • related to the revocation of the decision to reimburse a medicine, foodstuff for particular nutritional uses or medical device;
  • on the reimbursement of a medicine in respect of indications for the use or posology or route of administration other than those specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics.
  1. The performance of other tasks commissioned by the President of the Agency.
  2. Developing recommendations for applicants (which indicate desirable elements to be included in their future applications; recommendations included in the development and implementation of health policy programmes guidelines).
  3. Identifying the need to carry out an analysis of technologies of a major health significance which have not yet been proposed for assessment.
  4. Ensuring transparency in the presentation of the basic arguments in support of the Council’s position or opinion.

To learn more about the detailed mode of operation of the Transparency Council, its terms and conditions, tasks and minutes of the Transparency Council meetings, visit the following website Public Information Bulletin.