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Communication – TLI effectiveness evaluation report

Under Article 40a (7) of the Law of May 12, 2011 on the reimbursement of drugs, foodstuffs for special nutritional purposes and medical devices (Journal of Laws 2023, item 826, as amended), 90 days before the end of the reimbursement period of a drug technology with a high level of innovation, The Agency publishes a report on the evaluation of the effectiveness of reimbursable drug technologies with a high level of innovation and quality of treatment, based on data from medical records or the electronic drug program monitoring system referred to in Article 188c (1) of the Act of August 27, 2004 on health care services financed from public funds, provided that the clinical data necessary to develop this report are sufficient.


Publication of a report on the evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of treatment with a drug technology with a high level of innovation, covered by reimbursement under the Medical Fund: