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The Meeting of the Transparency Council No. 28/2022 of 18.07.2022

The agenda includes:

Preparing a position on the legitimacy of removing non gamma 2 capsule amalgam from the list of guaranteed healthcare services as a dental material used in the provision of guaranteed dental treatment.

Preparing an opinion on the legitimacy of combining multiple sclerosis treatment drug programmes, i.e. B.29 + B.46.

Preparing positions on the evaluation of medicines:

  • Opdivo (nivolumabum) under the drug programmes: B.6. “Treatment of non-small or small cell lung cancer (ICD-10 C 34)” and “Treatment of pleural mesothelioma (ICD-10 C 45)”,
  • Yervoy (ipilimumabum) under the drug programmes: B.6. “Treatment of non-small or small cell lung cancer (ICD-10 C 34)” and “Treatment of pleural mesothelioma (ICD-10 C 45)”,

Preparing a position on the legitimacy of granting reimbursement approval for the medicinal product Rezurock (belumosudil) for the indication: treatment of adult and paediatric patients aged 12 years and older with chronic graft-versus-host disease (chronic GVHD) after failure of at least two previous lines of systemic treatment.

Preparing an opinion on draft health policy programmes of local government units:

  • “Programme for prevention and early detection of vision defects in pupils in class III of primary schools located in the town of Będzin for the period 2022-2024”,
  • “Programme for prevention and early detection of vision and hearing defects in primary school children in the Municipality of Chociwel for the period 2022-2026”,
  • “Health policy programme in the scope of medical rehabilitation for the residents of the Municipality of Mielno for the period 2023-2030”.

 Preparing an opinion on the inclusion in the reimbursement of medicines containing the active substances:

  • amiloridum + hydrochlorathizidum for the indication: renal uremia,
  • prednisone for the indications: obstructive pulmonary diseases – in cases other than those specified in the SmPC; autoimmune diseases – in cases other than those specified in the SmPC; conditions after organ, limb, tissue, cell or marrow transplantation,
  • fenoteroli hydrobromidum + ipratropii bromidum for the indications: cystic fibrosis; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; ciliary dyskinesia,
  • ipratropii bromidum for indications: cystic fibrosis; bronchopulmonary dysplasia; ciliary dyskinesis; acute bronchitis in case of airway obstruction.