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The Transparency Council meeting 20/2023 on 22 May 2023

The agenda includes:

Preparation of positions on the evaluation of drugs:

  • Adtralza (tralokinumabum) under the drug programme B.124 “Treatment of patients with severe forms of atopic dermatitis (ICD-10: L20)”,
  • Rinvoq (upadacitinibum) under the drug programme B.55 “Treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) (ICD-10: K51)”.

Preparation of opinions on draft health policy programmes of local government units:

  • “Co-financing for infertility treatment with IVF method for the residents of the City of Zduńska Wola for 2023”,
  • “Infertility treatment with IVF method for residents of the city of Białystok in 2023, carried out with funding from Citizens Budget 2023”.

Preparation of an opinion on the appropriateness of amending the eligibility and posology criteria for the medicinal product Ozurdex (dexamethasone), vitreous body implant in 700 mcg applicator, in Part B of the drug programme B.70 “Treatment of patients with retinal diseases (ICD-10: H35.3, H36.0)”, i.e. “Treatment of patients with diabetic macular oedema (DME)”.